In July 2022, Willakenzie Community Church (WCC) officially welcomed Daniel Vlaicu.
Daniel was born and raised in Romania until the age of six, when his parents left Communist Romania in search of religious freedom and the opportunity for a better future.
After graduating from Portland Christian High School, he began his undergraduate degree at Portland State University. In his junior year, he transferred to University of California Riverside, where he graduated with a major in biology. After finishing his undergraduate degree, he earned his master’s degree from Pacific Evangelical School of Ministry (PESM) in 2011.
Since the age of six, he has been around seniors 24 hours a day. His parents were live-in caregivers for an adult foster home and when Daniel settled in Eugene Oregon in July 2007, he began working at Grace Manor. He enjoys being around seniors learning from them and improving their quality of life. The caring and loving staff truly enjoy serving seniors with compassion and empathy. He continues to work at Grace Manor today.
Daniel first attended WCC in 2008, under the leadership of Pastor Chris Neilsen. He previously pastored a church in downtown Eugene for 5 years and he continues to be a guest speaker at Romanian youth meetings in the Portland area.
Daniel has been married for 13 years to his “gorgeous, smart and hardworking wife” and they have 3 boys who are “very active, musical and extremely handsome.” His parents currently live in Florida, but very likely will be returning to Oregon in the near future.
In his spare time, Daniel enjoys cycling, kayaking, reading, gardening, fixing things and working with his hands.
Please come sit with us on Sunday as we walk in the Word.
Pastor Hector Jaime Reyes G. Actualmente, es el Pastor general y fundador de Centro Cristiono Restauración Familiar en Eugene, Oregon. El Pastor Hector es diplomado en Estudios Ministeriales y Formación Pastoral del Seminario Teológico Hispano. Reina valera Junto asu Esposa Graduados en la Econia de Dios En Historia Biblica Esta Casado con Idalia Cuevas Reyes, y tienen cuatro hijos, Emma, Uvaida, Jeremias, Isaias. Todos ellos estudiando y músicos de la Iglesia Tenemos plandes para trabajar con la comunidad Hispan Dando, Consejeria Familiar, Juveni. Personal de forma Gratuita Y Conpartir la Palabra de Dios Bendiciones. Tenemos Un lugar Recervado Para Usted